Prana is the sum total of all the energy in the Universe
Swami Shivananda
Prana is the sum total of all the energy in the Universe
Swami Shivananda
Pranayama is initially the process whereby this immense energy is accessed directly by the systematic application of structured breathing practices. Continuing Pranayama practice then utilises this connection with the primary cosmic force to profoundly influence the individual on all levels – physical, emotional, energetic, mental and spiritual.
Pranayama is a body of practices that progressively encompasses mechanical precision (sectional breathing), energetic control (prana mudras), vibrational healing (mantra), manipulation of core energy (rhythms and ratios), bring the energy bodies (koshas) into alignment, purification of Surya and Chandra Nadis and the awakening of various energies with the practice of Classical Pranayama.
Pranayama is the quintessential energy practice of Yoga. It is the catalyst around which the body/mind complex is lifted to a higher vibration: it is from this point that the deepest aspects of Yoga can be experienced.

Philip Xerri
Philip was born in Cardiff, Wales in 1948. He was an accomplished athlete and rugby player in his youth. He became a ‘wanderer’ in his 20’s and then aged 28 walked into a Yoga class run by Philip Jones in Cardiff. This was a major turning point. Since this time Philip has continually practiced and taught Yoga and Pranayama throughout the UK and Europe. More about Philip…
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Philip Xerri
The Lodge, Eastington Hall Estate
Longdon Heath
Upton upon Severn
t: 07710 185827
Pranayama is initially the process whereby this immense energy is accessed directly by the systematic application of structured breathing practices. Continuing Pranayama practice then utilises this connection with the primary cosmic force to profoundly influence the individual on all levels - physical, emotional, energetic, mental and spiritual.